St. Andrews is a full service construction management and electrical contractor with an extensive background in providing construction related services to government and commercial clients. We strive to provide the best services for our clients in order to deliver each and every project on time and within budget. Our commitment runs very strong to understand the goals of the client and ensure that each of those goals are met as we make the client one of the construction team members.
Quality Control Programs
All projects will be performed using proper workmanship and in accordance with the design requirements set forth and approved under all project documents. All design and client team members and subcontractors become part of the project team and coordination between all team members will be crucial element to the successful completion of any project. Members of the SACS project management team are certified under the Army Corp of Engineers Construction Quality Management for Contractors.
Quality Control Policy Statement
Safety & Health Program
At St. Andrews we believe quality and reliability go hand in hand with Safety. As such, the management concept of St. Andrews Construction Services Corporation is not service and safety, it is service with safety. When service with safety is achieved, service with efficiency is simultaneously attained.
Safety is a top priority at St. Andrews and over the years we have been recognized by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Kiewit Construction, National Electrical Contractors Association and the Hispanic Contractors of Colorado for our detail to job safety.
Our commitment to safety and our safety culture includes a full time safety representative that is responsible for implementing and mandating our safety program, safety training and continued monitoring of all job safety programs. Our safety programs are designed to ensure the prevention of job site accidents and include ongoing safety education as part of our daily job performance.
Safety & Health Policy Statement
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