Location: NREL Golden, CO
Project Description:
Lab 251 was renovated in order to provide for materials characterization equipment purchased by NREL. Lab utilities including electrical were modified and installed to provide for the new equipment. Electrical panels for new service to Lab 251 was installed from the bus duct outside the lab, as well as clean power and dedicated power feeds inside the lab. New power drops were also provided inside newly installed instrument enclosures. All work was performed around and over sensitive laboratory equipment that could not be moved for construction and next door to on-going research activities. Technical direction was received from building operations and researchers through-out the project in order to incorporate user needs. New telecom and data runs were also installed to upgrade those utilities for new laboratory equipment. All work was performed and completed in strict compliance with local and NREL electrical code and NFPA 70e arc flash requirements..
Contract Number: KAFH-8-77676-16
Final Contract Amount: $128,307
Period of Performance: November 2009 – January 2010
Customers Name: NREL
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